9-10 Grade Parent/Family Compact
School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High School
School Year 2024 - 2025
Revision Date: 08/12/2024
The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High students participating in the Title I, Part A program, and their families, agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement as well as describes how the school and parents/families will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.
The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High staff and their families agree that this compact outlines how we will all share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement as well as build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the state’s high standards. Families are provided the opportunity to offer input on the development of the Family Engagement Policy through meeting feedback and surveys.
To understand how working together can benefit your child, it is first important to understand the District’s and school’s goals for student academic achievement.
- Goal 1 Promote the development of foundational skills and expand early learning opportunities.
- Goal 2 Advance proficiency in literacy and numeracy through high quality instruction and support for diverse learners.
- Goal 3 Enhance learning opportunities to develop the critical thinking and interpersonal skills needed for workforce development and college readiness.
- Goal 4 Provide high quality support and services for whole child development.
The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High GOALS:
- Goal 1: SY 24-25, the College & Career Readiness Performance Index mastery score in American Literature, Biology, US History, and Algebra I will increase by three percent with the expanded use of critical thinking, higher order thinking skills, and project-based learning to decrease the gap as comparatively measured by the Georgia Milestones Assessment from SY 24.
- Goal 2: SY24-25, the percentage of students reading on grade level will increase from 42.86% to 44.15% as measured by the American Literature and Composition Georgia Milestones Assessment.
- Goal 3: SY24-25, the Savannah High School students with disabilities subgroup will increase their improvement target by six percent as measured by the Georgia Milestones Assessment for closing gaps in the following areas from SY 23: Biology from 11.91% to 17.11%; American Literature from 15% to 19.83%; Algebra I from 11.54% to 16.37% and US History from 19.40% to 23.88%.
- Goal 4: By the end of SY 24-25, the School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High will increase the average daily student attendance rate by five percent through the implementation of PBIS strategies to enhance the overall learning environment to contribute to better academic outcomes and school culture.
The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High is committed to frequent two-way communication with families about children’s learning. Some of the ways you can expect us to reach you are:
- Parent Access
- Progress Reports
- E-Mails to Parents
- Call Outs to Parents
- Family Engagement Contact
Parents and families are strongly encouraged and welcomed to volunteer, observe and participate in school activities in support of their student’s success. Please reach out to our MSAP Parent Community Choice Coordinator Mr. Baker at (912) 395-5050 or e-mail Ericc.Baker@sccpss.com for further information. Families can provide input on the Compact at any time during the school year. Please stop by the Family and Community Center for a feedback form. Feedback will also be collected during the Family Forum and Annual Survey. Parents, if you have any questions in regards of your child’s education, please reach out to our School Counselors, Ms. Reynolds, Ms. Hogue, or Dr. Kittrell-Mikell at (912) 395-5050 or email kimberly.reynolds@sccpss.com, savannah.hogue@sccpss.com, or Deborah.kittrell-mikell@sccpss.com for further information.
The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High offers ongoing events and programs to build partnerships with families.
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Family Engagement Events
- PTSA Involvement
- Open House
- Family Engagement Meetings
- VISTA (Volunteers In Schools Targeting Achievement) (Volunteers in Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools must register online in the volunteer portal. Look for the “VISTA” button under the “Community Tab” on the website, sccpss.com. Volunteers begin by filling out the application. All volunteers are screened with a background check. Once approved, a volunteer can log in to the portal and peruse the opportunities available at each school in the district.
- To help your child meet the district and school goals, the school, you, and your child will work together to:
The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High will:
Literacy & Critical Thinking:
School will… model (demonstrate) how to identify a speaker's purpose (reason for writing/speaking) and thesis/central claim (main idea) and analyze (explain in detail) how the speaker develops (elaborates on) and supports (defends) the thesis/claim.
School will… provide online support programs such as CommonLit, Illuminate Education, Reading Plus, and Ascend Math to provide foundational skill support.
College & Career Ready:
School will… provide students with graduation planning advisement activities to include transcript reviews, progress reports discussion, report card graduation Cohort specific assemblies, and host post-secondary preparation events.
SOLS at Savannah High will provide support (e.g. tutorials, study guides, online resources, Instructional Focus) to ensure all students are prepared to be successful in all classes as well as when taking the GMAS EOC test. Families will be provided with progress reports to display how well their child is doing in order to seek additional help if needed. Families will have an opportunity to provide feedback during the Title I Family Forum Meeting, held each spring to jointly develop the Compact. Families will also have an opportunity to complete and submit the Compact, Policy and School Improvement Plan feedback form to assist in the revision of these plans.
We, as parents, will:
Literacy & Critical Thinking:
Family will… in general conversation ask students to identify the reasoning that drives a person's ideas ("Why do they think that?") and determine whether that reasoning is sound ("Are those good reasons? Is that strong, reliable evidence?)
Family will… monitor (observe and check progress of) and support student use of online support programs.
College & Career Ready:
Family will… review (look over) all communications (graduation plan, transcript, progress reports, report cards, and graduation Cohort status information) and attend family engagement events.
I, the student, will:
Literacy & Critical Thinking:
Students will… practice evaluating (break down) and identifying (pointing out) false or distorted (exaggerated) statements in everyday conversation.
Students will… practice assigned online support programs such as Reading Plus, Ascend Math and CommonLit to increase their academic success.
College & Career Ready:
Students will… monitor (observe and check progress of) all their grades and will keep their parents informed about all family engagement events and communications.
As a sign of your commitment to working together to help your child succeed, please sign the SIGNATURES PAGE provided with this compact and return it to your child’s teacher. Thank you!
Download 9-10 Compact