SOLS SY 24-25 Family Engagement Policy
- Introduction
- The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High will adhere to the following as required by law:
- Family and Community Center
- SOLS at Savannah High is Reaching New Heights to Achieve GREATNESS AT THE HIGH!
- SCCPSS District Goals
- 2024-2025 School Improvement Goals
- Family Engagement Policy
- What is Title I?
- School Plan for Shared Student Achievement
- Parental Involvement Standards
- SOLS at Savannah High School Curriculum
- SOLS at Savannah High School Council
The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High and our families will develop a Family/Parent-School Compact, which is a shared responsibility that families, teachers and students will develop that explains how families and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach grade level standards. The Family- Parent- School Compacts will be reviewed and updated annually based on input from parents, students and teachers during our Family Forum held in the spring and through surveys and feedback forms throughout the year.
The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High will adhere to the following as required by law:
✓The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High will hold quarterly family engagement meetings.
✓The topics of these meetings will be chosen based on family needs assessment surveys completed throughout the school year. Additional events will be scheduled as requested by parents.
✓Morning and afternoon session will be offered. Meetings/workshops will address educating families about the following topics:
- Literacy
- Math
- Reading and writing across the content areas (fiction and non-fiction)
- Grade level information (promotion to next grade level)
- Technology in the classroom and parent use of technology
- Community resources available for parents and families
- Parent University and District Family Engagement Events
- Report Card Nights/Conferences
Family and Community Center
Come in a visit our Family Resource Center to check out books, study materials, and activities to use at home with your child. Computers are also available for parents to explore the Parent Portal and educational resources.
The Family and Community Center is open Monday-Friday from 7:00a.m. to 3:00p.m.
Extended hours are available for the Family and Community Center upon request.
SOLS at Savannah High is Reaching New Heights to Achieve GREATNESS AT THE HIGH!
The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High will take the following measures to promote and support parents and families as an important foundation of the school in order to strengthen the school and reach our school goals. SOLS at Savannah HS pledges to:
- Ensure that all information related to school and parent programs is provided in a family-friendly language, Title I meetings, and other activities is published in English or your native language to the extent possible. Dates will be posted on the school website and social media accounts, phone call outs, and included in school to home newsletters and flyers. Event notice advertisement will be provided at least 2 weeks prior to each event. Family Engagement events will be offered at multiple times to accommodate family work schedules. SOLS at Savannah HS will provide group meetings in person, online/virtual, and conduct home visits as needed. Please contact the school at 912-395-5050 for further information.
- Provide quarterly trainings for teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other school leaders during professional learning communities or faculty meetings on strategies to reach out to and communicate with families, treating them as equal partners. Staff will be trained on understanding the value and utility of families, respect their contributions, and build ties between home and school.
- ÞProvide school to home newsletter and flyers for families to better understand the school’s academic standards and assessments as well as ways families can monitor their child’s progress and work with educators.
- ÞEach spring, counselors and administrators visit with students transitioning from 8th grade to 9th grade. An annual Open House is held prior to the beginning of the school year.
- Family Engagement programs will be coordinated with Senior activities, to include No Senior Left Behind, a senior project through the Entrepreneurial course to help students begin the transition process becoming productive members of society.
- The Annual Title I Meeting will be held multiple times in the fall of 2024. The meeting will address the requirements of Title I, the school’s participation, and the parent’s right to be involved. Information will be posted on the school website, social media accounts, flyers, phone call outs and included in school-to- home newsletters and flyers for all families and will be advertised at least 2 weeks prior the event.
- The Family Forum will be held in the spring of 2025 for the families, students, and staff to develop the Family/Parent-School Compact, Family Engagement Policy, the School Improvement Plan and to give feedback on the 1% budget allocated for Family Engagement activities. Through the feedback from the parents, families, community, students, and teachers, these important documents will be developed.
SCCPSS District Goals
- Goal 1 Promote the development of foundational skills and expand early learning opportunities.
- Goal 2 Advance proficiency in literacy and numeracy through high quality instruction and support for diverse learners.
- Goal 3 Enhance learning opportunities to develop the critical thinking and interpersonal skills needed for workforce development and college readiness.
- Goal 4 Provide high quality support and services for whole child development.
2024-2025 School Improvement Goals
- Goal 1: SY 24-25, the College & Career Readiness Performance Index mastery score in American Literature, Biology, US History, and Algebra I will increase by three percent with the expanded use of critical thinking, higher order thinking skills, and project-based learning to decrease the gap as comparatively measured by the Georgia Milestones Assessment from SY 24.
- Goal 2: SY24-25, the percentage of students reading on grade level will increase from 42.86% to 44.15% as measured by the American Literature and Composition Georgia Milestones Assessment.
Goal 3: SY24-25, the Savannah High School students with disabilities subgroup will increase their improvement target by six percent as measured by the Georgia Milestones Assessment for closing gaps in the following areas from SY 23: Biology from 11.91% to 17.11%; American Literature from 15% to 19.83%; Algebra I from 11.54% to 16.37% and US History from 19.40% to 23.88%.
- Goal 4: By the end of SY 24-25, the School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High will increase the average daily student attendance rate by five percent through the implementation of PBIS strategies to enhance the overall learning environment to contribute to better academic outcomes and school culture.
Family Engagement Policy
SOLS at Savannah High School believes that family engagement means the participation of families and parents in regular two-way and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities including ensuring:
*That families play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning.
*That families are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school by volunteering in VISTA (Volunteers in Schools Targeting Achievement).
*That families are full partners in their child's education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
*The carrying out of other activities as described in this plan.
*Information will be provided at least 2 weeks prior to each event and advertised through school social media accounts, the school website, event flyers sent home with students, and phone call outs.
* Parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled to inform you of your child’s progress as needed.
What is Title I?
The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High is identified as a Title I school as part of Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). Title I is designed to support State and local school reform efforts tied to challenging state academic standards in reinforce and enhance efforts to improve teaching and learning for students. Title I programs must be based on effective evidenced based means of improving student achievement and include strategies to support family engagement. All Title I schools must jointly develop with all parents a written parental involvement policy.
School Plan for Shared Student Achievement
What is it?
The Family Engagement Policy is revised annually after reviewing input from the Family Forum and annual surveys. It describes how The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High will provide opportunities to improve family engagement to support student learning. The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High values the contributions and involvement of parents to establish an equal partnership for the common goal of improving student achievement. The Family Engagement Policy describes the different ways that The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High will support family engagement and how families can help plan and participate in activities and events to promote student learning at school and at home.
The School of Liberal Studies Principal, Stacie Pottinger, will submit to the district Title I office via email any comments of parents who feel the School Improvement Plan is not satisfactory.
Each year, Savannah-Chatham County Public School System reserves 1% from the total amount of the Title I, Part A funds it receives to carry out family engagement requirements.
In carrying out the parent and family engagement requirements established by Section 1116 of the ESSA, the district family engagement coordinator will communicate and collaborate with the Office for Student Support Services to ensure full opportunities for participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children including providing information and school reports in a language parents can understand.
How is it revised?
The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High invites all parents and families to provide input and feedback through the Annual Family Forum and Annual Family Engagement Survey to review and revise the Family Engagement Policy, as well as the School Improvement Plan, the Family-Parent-School Compacts and the 1% family engagement budget allocation. Additionally, family input and comments regarding this policy are welcome during the school year through an online form found on our website under the “Title I” tab. The plan is posted on our school website for parents and families to view and submit feedback throughout the year. Additionally, the Family Engagement Policy is available in the Family Center as well as on the school website and upon request. All parent and family input and feedback received during the year will be used to revise the plan for the next school year. We also distribute an annual survey online and send home with students to ask parents and families for their suggestions on the plan and the use of funds for parental involvement. Parents can also give feedback during parent meetings and activities during the school year.
Parental Involvement Standards
The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High and our parents have adopted the National PTA standards for Family-School partnerships as the school’s model is engaging parents, students, and the community.
The standards are:
1.Welcoming All Families
2.Communicating Effectively
3.Supporting Student Success
4.Speaking Up for Every Child
6.Collaborating with Community
SOLS at Savannah High School Curriculum
• The GMAS-EOC is the component of the Georgia Milestones Assessment System End of Course assessments are designed to measure high school core course competencies relative to the state performance standards. GMAS-EOC results will serve as a primary measure for state and federal accountability purposes and multiple areas within the CCRPI.
• Cohort Graduation Rate: The cohort graduation rate measure tracks the percentage of students in a 9th grade cohort who graduate with a regular diploma within four years. The graduation rate is a key indicator used in state and federal accountability determination and is a culminating outcome measure that directly reflects the purpose and mission of the public school system.
• In addition to the Georgia Standards of Excellence curriculum, SOLS at Savannah HS boasts of Advanced Placement classes, expansive vocational tech class offerings, honors courses in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies as well as a rigorous instructional framework.
• SOLS offers parents and families various opportunities to learn about the student assessments and how the results of the assessment determines the post-secondary options for their students.
• SOLS offers parents and families workshops and trainings on how to improve their students’ achievement. Parents and families will partner with teachers and staff and understand what technology resource
SOLS at Savannah High School Council
The School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High invites all parents to join the School Council to share ideas and ways to involve other parents to build partnerships with school, families, and the community.
The team will meet at least four times during the school year, but parents are also invited to submit their ideas or suggestions at any school events and through parent surveys and through the website.
If you would like to learn more about the School Council, please contact the school @ 912-395-5050 or complete the interest form and submit to the front office.